Safe Families for Children provides informal, family-like support for parents and their children when they are facing difficult and challenging situations. We believe when families are supported children can thrive.

  • Parents always maintain full custody when using hosting and the program is completely free and voluntary.

  • All volunteers are extensively screened with background checks, training, references, and home screenings.

  • Volunteers are covered by our liability insurance and are offered staff support throughout their time hosting children and supporting families.

Our resourceful, and conservative budget is used to fulfill our mission by engaging, empowering, and equipping churches and their volunteers to serve families. Building bridges, and amplifying those funds into far-reaching concrete and tangible provision long term.

Your financial support provides the tools and staff needed to support churches creating teams to bridge to families in their community, and bring them into the supportive fellowship they can offer. It also multiplies the impact of our partners programs.

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Our evidence-based program is focused on bridging the support families receive from the church in their neighborhood.

Not creating one more temporary program to put a band-aid on a family’s need - but connecting them to community that can help them find a way to long-term stability.

This allows us to work with a small budget with a high investment return. One year of foster care costs the state upwards of $40,000 a year - one hosting averages out to less than $1,500.

The real return is the connection and support that follow and what research has found most effectively moves people out of poverty - supportive relationships that cross socioeconomic boundaries.

Serve in a wide variety of roles. All of them ​can fit into your life - and the time you have ​to offer!

Learn more on the first Wednesday of each ​month at 12 and 7 pm - register here!

Host Families are trained and approved to support ​parents by providing short-term care for children in their ​homes.

Family Friends provide friendship and

support to parents, children, or other volunteers through ​building relationships, encouragement, transportation, meals, ​and babysitting, etc.

Family Coaches help parents identify and reach their ​goals while equipping the volunteers in the circle of ​support.

Resource Friends give tangible items or support the ​movement through gift cards, meals, assisting with SFFC ​events, or errands.

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Who Do We Support?

We build social support systems around

families with minor children experiencing:

  • Homelessness
  • Social isolation
  • Loss of employment
  • Mental health/postpartum crisis
  • Hospitalization/medical emergency
  • Addiction/recovery
  • Domestic Violence

Founded in 2003 in Chicago, Illinois, Safe Families for Children has partnered with churches, local community agencies, government organizations and volunteers to create communities of support for families in need. We now have over 100 chapters located in 70 cities in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Philippines, and Hong Kong. Safe Families has been serving in Tallahassee since 2017.

The goal is simple:

Keep children safe and families together!

How Does it Work?

Safe Families trains volunteers within the local community to build communities of support. We then provide a centralized intake and staff connects volunteers with families. We also provide ongoing support so a parent can get back on their feet.

Our goal is to see families strengthened and supported by their community. With a community of support, we believe child abuse

and neglect can often be

prevented and families

remain intact.

Join us for a fundraiser that’s all about building community - and bringing Hope to our neighbors!

Worship Bands from around Leon County will work to raise funds and prepare to ​perform during an evening of praise, worship and good natured competition on ​October 3, 2024 at Wildwood Church! That evening before the concert there will also ​be a church and ministry fair for people looking to connect or serve!

For several weeks proceeding the concert the worship teams will share to raise ​donations from their church, friends and families! They’ll also encourage them to ​bring new packs of socks and underwear to the concert!

How It Will Work -

Recognitions will be given to the teams that:

  • Have the most number of donors
  • Raises the highest amount of funds and
  • Has the most donations of socks and underwear

Churches and Ministries can set up tables at the church - and while concert goers come and have dinner at food trucks they can puruse the “City on a Hill” fair and meet potential churches they can attend or ministries they can serve in.

All of the proceeds raised before the event will be used to help further the mission and ministry of Safe Families for Children, and 25% will be donated to the Going Places Drop In Center towards it’s completion.

All funds raised that night at the concert, and during the live stream online, will go directly to the center.

Register here to help organize, produce and plan this event -

Show hospitality to a family in crisis directly -

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Ask for buckets from Safe Families and build teams to work together on filling them.

Fill buckets with supplies for a family, or youth, experiencing homelessness.

Let us know the buckets are ready for pick up, and we will make sure they get into the hands of those with the greatest need!

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Buckets will be distributed to families by Safe Families volunteers and partner outreach staff


What can you fill a bucket with?

Underwear - for anyone

and any size


Men’s clothing

Shoes - any kind or size


Sleeping bags


Any camping items

Notes of encouragement

Cards of caring

Invitation to your church

or group



Poptop cans - ravioli, vienna sausage, etc


Healthy foods

Anything you can eat on the go, light weight

Gift cards

Donations to help with items to fill the buckets!

Children’s books


Scripture cards


Be part of the movement -

Be a part of radical change in how the most vulnerable in our community are served.

Join us in partnering with Capital City Youth Services in completing the Going Places Drop-In Center by donating, serving at, or getting your church involved in direct service to children, their families, and youth.

Whether you can help by being on the building finishing crew - or serve As a warm, welcoming connection - everyone can do something!

Going Places will be a place where families and young adults can come to find goods, services, community,

safety and relationships

Your church, group, or family can be a part of this movement of provision and hospitality from the ground floor! Contact us and ask how you can be involved!

Safe Families will be able to connect with families in meaningful ways, and churches will be able to serve together by hosting events, meals, fun family-empowering opportunities and volunteering to staff the center.

Reach out to find out more about connecting with Going Places and:

Live out the Gospel by loving your neighbor!

Safe Families is a grassroots movement...

The mission is shared by those serving, and those numbers grow by sharing the mission!

  • Connect with us to help us spread the word!
  • Invite us to share with your church or group
  • Help us by joining our Advisory Council!
  • Share our mission on social media and among your friends!


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Legacy Sponsor

Legacy Sponsor

We are thankful for those supporting our mission!

Carolyn LeBoeuf

Legacy Sponsor

Legacy Sponsor

helpful links

Cathy Campbell, Chapter Director


Intakes, Program, Administration

Tammy Pulsifer, Development Director


Donations, Church and Business Partnerships

Tina Ayers, Chapter Operations

Volunteers, Database, Communications

Jon Nicholson, Chaplain & Church Support


Farm Share, Church Engagement

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Copyright 2024 Safe Families for Children North Florida Chapter